Market On Open, Tuesday 14 January
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Are We So Back?
by Alex King, CEO, Cestrian Capital Research, Inc

So, as I have been saying, 2025 will not be like 2023 or 2024 in my view. Volatility is back and I am not talking about the Vix per se, I am talking about a market which will over-react to any stimulus, be it fiscal, monetary or psychological.
Nothing has changed in the potential tariff regime since before the close yesterday, but equities got a shot in the arm after the New York close by the opinion that maybe tariffs won’t ruin the economy after all. Here’s QQQ on the 5-minute chart from yesterday’s pre-market session (DOOM!) through the day (climbing all day), the close (about 0.3% down on the day when the S&P, Dow and Russell were all positive) and then yippee! - a Bloomberg opinion an hour or so after the close coincides with a leg up in the Nasdaq.

This is the market we are in now. Like it, hate it, doesn’t matter. This is the kind of hand the market is going to deal you in the coming weeks, months and years. So you can decry it if you like or you can get good at making money from it, your choice.
Want to get good at making money with it? We do this all day long in our Inner Circle service. Real time trade disclosure alerts, key commentary each day and through the day when things get spiky, plenty of ways to make money from the gyrations on Wall Street.
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