Market On Open - Thursday 4 January 2024

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Well, the local Wave 5 tops in the leveraged ETFs that we've been flagging for a couple weeks now look like they are in. Modest green this morning notwithstanding, the Russell has started to sell down from its vertiginous run up, the Dow is undecided, the S&P500 and the Nasdaq also look like letting a little air out before resuming another run up. Below for our paying members we look at where the index declines may find support and as always spell out how we are playing this in staff personal accounts. (Per disclosures in Slack, yesterday was a good day at Cestrian Towers for profit-taking in both short and long 3x index ETFs; let's see if we can play the next move successfully too).

Short Term Trade Ideas For Bear And Bull Markets Alike

The type of volatility now presenting itself (in Q4 2023 there was no volatility, it was only-up!) can be fertile ground for swing trade opportunities, by which I mean relatively short-term holds measured in days, maybe weeks, on the long and short side alike.

I'm delighted to see our three independently-provided trade ideas services running on our Cestrian Stocks Symposium continue to do so well; each is growing subscribers every day and each is starting to chalk up the wins too. These are all low-cost services that may be to your liking. You can read more here. Speaking personally I have now cashed rapid and worthwhile gains from three ideas in these services, in tickers beyond the scope of those we cover in our own work here at Cestrian. I look forward to more such ideas! Note that if you like what you see, and you want to sign up for all three, we offer a 25% group buy discount. Reach out here if you want coupon codes to be able to do that.

Daily Charts

For paying members we now run through our usual charts covering the main US equity indices, associated leveraged ETFs, plus the SOXL TECL and FNGU ETFs as always.

Note - to open full-page versions of these charts, just click on the chart headings, which are hyperlinks.