MongoDB Q2 FY1/25 Earnings Review
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Wen Data?
by Alex King, CEO, Cestrian Capital Research, Inc.
I've said on a number of occasions that at some point we ought to see companies not called Nvidia benefit from AI spending; since we can consider AI to be nothing more or less critical than a capex refresh in the IT value chain, this new era of compute should see spending cascade from semiconductor through systems, software and services. I would expect database and data manipulation / management providers to be major beneficiaries - from Oracle through Palantir and onto smaller names like MongoDB.
It may be a coincidence that MDB's guide for next quarter is that revenue growth will accelerate, or it may not, but either way that's a good sign. The stock has been wildly volatile in recent years; fundamentals are slowly improving insofar as the company has moved from a careless cash-burning frolic into a steadily cash generative maturing company and now, if the guidance is hit, one with accelerating growth too.
Here’s $MDB headlines.

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