Disney Q3 FY12/23 Earnings Review
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Fundamentals Improving, Stock Remains All Beat Up
by Alex King
Disney ($DIS) is a component of our 'Dowtards' Dow-laggard stock portfolio which we established on 11 July this year. The notion with this basket was to be buying value names when everyone was very focused on buying only growth. After a slow start when the portfolio just meandered along a little below market performance, it now looks to be putting in a solid performance. +7.5% since inception on a total return basis, vs. 6% for the Nasdaq, 4% for the Dow, +3.3% for the S&P500 and -5% for the Russell 2000.

In that mix, Intel ($INTC) has performed exceptionally well, but Disney has continued to lag.
Disney printed its Q4 of FY9/23 on 8 November. Below we review the numbers, valuation and stock price outlook.