Market On Open - Thursday 21 September

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About Our 'Market On Open' Notes

These notes, published daily, form part of the Equity Index Strategy that we employ here in the Inner Circle service and, indeed, in Cestrian Capital Research, Inc staff personal accounts.  You can read all about our Equity Index Strategy, here.  

We Are All Doomed.

Twitter, CNBC and every other Opposite Day Machine is now very focused on three things.

  • The price of oil
  • The rising 10-year Treasury yield
  • The Fed not saying that rates are going to reduce.

Now it's possible that markets plummet from here.  Anything is possible.  But we don't think it's likely.  Because if you zoom out a little from the above points that are being muxed right into your limbic brain stem on a blue-light carrier frequency?  Then you might care to notice that:

  • US GDP is holding up rather well
  • US inflation is falling
  • US consumer wealth is at all-time highs
  • Large US corporate earnings are strong - and revenue growth is in many cases trending up.

And that's before we even look at a chart to see that medium-term technical patterns remain bullish.

So.  As always - it could be doomsday, but if it is?  Well, we have all those 3x inverse equity index ETFs from which we can profit whilst others are suffering.  This being the joy of capitalism and all.

And with that - we'll conclude with our usual refrain. If you've yet to join this Inner Circle service as a paying member, you can do so right from the button below.  We're building up some wonderful testimonials, as you can see here.  We hope to see you on the other side soon!