What's New At Inner Circle

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9 Month Check-In

We started this Inner Circle service at the turn of 2023, and it has exceeded all our expectations in terms of subscriber growth, engagement, rate of service expansion, you name it.  The service is a joy to run, it has helped me personally continue to improve my own investing and trading performance (I find that all our services do that - there is something about presenting methods and ideas to our members that forces one to raise one's game), and it is an increasingly important part of our business here at Cestrian Capital Research, Inc.

All our subscription services evolve as time goes by and this one has been no exception.  We have just put through a number of changes which if you've not caught up with them are worth doing.  As follows:

  1. Codified our equity index strategy.  You can read all about that here.
  2. Codified our portfolio strategy.  The key note on that is here.
  3. Introduced v1 of our single-stock and ETF database - here (that link works for our paying members only).

If you've yet to join Inner Circle as a paying member, now's a great time to do so. We increase our prices regularly - for new joiners only.  Once you join, you keep your price for as long as you remain a member.  So the earlier you join, the less you pay.  We do this to reward folks who join early in the life of a service - always a risk!  We're now chalking up some nice wins here at Inner Circle, I'm delighted to say, so I hope that everyone who took the plunge earlier this year has found the service helpful to their investing and trading.  (If not - reach out.  We always want to hear about problems and difficulties so we can improve).

If you're thinking of joining the paid side, check our testimonials page, here.

You can join us as a monthly, annual, or extended (6-year membership) subscriber.  Click below to learn more!

Alex King, Cestrian Capital Research, Inc - 19 September 2023.